Matt Hulbert writes: –
Level 2 Coaching Courses are to be held at David Lloyd Dundee
March 23/24, April 27/28 & May 26
Level 2 coaches are able to work with less restrictions and are able to work largely on their own in club and outreach programmes.
There is also fantastic grant funding available from Sportscotland that repays 60% of the course fee – currently £405. Interested parties will need to apply for the funding ASAP as Sportscotland require applications for funding to me made at least 4 weeks prior to the start of the course.
Click here to apply for Sportscotland funding –
If you know of Level 1 coaches who you think might be interested in progressing please could you forward them this link to the Level 2 application form –
Time is of the essence as candidates will need to have a PVG prior to the start of the course.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Kind regards
Mat Hulbert
Coach Support & Lead Welfare Officer
D: 0131 444 1984
M: 0794 950 0458
Coach Support & Lead Welfare Officer
D: 0131 444 1984
M: 0794 950 0458